Bring everyone in the team on the same page using Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) and eliminate doubtful thinking

· Manufacturing,SupplyChain,Change Management,Future State,Lean

What’s important is not whether you spoke or not, but whetheryou could put
yourthoughts across to the other side. By Dr. Ishikawa’s And 

Become a person who can stay out of your company, but become one whom
your company cannot do without. By Dr. Ishikawa’s

Merged by Future State Partners 

In the times when we all are facing a change of some kind at our workplace , we can relate with number of questions and confusion even a smallest bit of change can throw at all of us who are used to some way of standardised form of conducting our job roles.

Well this gets discussed some many times, but hardly any tangible counter-action is performed to address and mitigate or even make the change adoption easier

During my recent conversation with a group of Managers and Senior Managers at a large Supply Chain, Logistics of Mineral, Asset Management company, we faced a question, how to bring everyone on the same page every single time both before and after the changes has occurred even after the people leading the changes are gone in other words continue to achieve the great outcomes of change repeatedly and independently? 

This question is very fundamental in nature and if left un-answered can create great amount of discord amongst teams across especially in cross-functional teams scenarios.

We were quickly able to focus our thoughts on answer for the above stated question which is VSOW (Visual Standard Operating Procedures).

A great Visual Standard Operating procedure can be defined as :

A set of steps capturing the best current method that ensures that the job is conducted the same every time regardless of by who or when. while above all else maintaining SAFETY!

One of the key factors which really stands out is a good written VSOP’s ability to clearly address above questions. These questions come in various formats like How, What, Why, Where, Who, and When the job get done  

It has power to address the Waste in the business (Please check the infographic below for the 8 Business Wastes) 

SOP, Standard Operating procedure , Lean Six SIgma, Change Managment, Lean tools, Continuous Improvement, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, DIFOT , process improvement , SITE LEAN ASSESSMENT
Lean Six SIgma, Change Managment, Lean tools, Continuous Improvement, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, DIFOT , process improvement , SITE LEAN ASSESSMENT

For all the avid readers 

Please feel free to book a exploratory conversation on how to bring your vison to life with
practicable change strategies, please click here 

Our Mission at Future State Partners 

We are on a mission to make happier workplaces a reality by empowering our community to conduct positive improvements and changes independently both at work and personal lives 

Learn more about conducting or benefitting from lean site assessments  by contacting our expert Practitioners by emailing us ( or calling us (02 8311 8100(24X7)) 

Standrard Operating Procedure SOP, Lean Six SIgma, Change Managment, Lean tools, Continuous Improvement, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, DIFOT , process improvement , SITE LEAN ASSESSMENT


How to lead the wayand create a best-in-class culture by using regular Visual Standard Operating Procedures? 

On further discovering the situation with Senior Managers of this great organisation, there are great benefit to make SOP as part of work culture and behaviours of every team within the organisation as it can serve as fundamental and very visual way of knowing how we do thing today and what
can be improved upon by clearly showing visually which part of the SOP can be improved such that it results in positive outcomes for its customers of this Supply Chain, Logistics of Mineral, Asset Management company in providing best service and on time deliveries every single time without
any hassle.

Lean Six SIgma, Change Managment, Lean tools, Continuous Improvement, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, DIFOT , process improvement , SITE LEAN ASSESSMENT

The need is to start delivering great Visual Standrard Operating Procedure now on your own or with the help of expereinced partner like Future State Partners (FSPR)

(Contact us by Clicking here or call us on 0283118100 (24X7)) of your service/product/site/floor/customer/warehouse/manufacturing/business segment etc. to answer "Where to accurateley start the journey of making SOP Journey from"

Lean Six SIgma, Change Managment, Lean tools, Continuous Improvement, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, DIFOT , process improvement , SITE LEAN ASSESSMENT

One of the biggest challenges would be to come up with a cultural shift underpinned by accurate
change that is required to sustain any solution envisaged that stays longer, just like we did for this large Australian Manufacturing, Asset Maintenance , Mineral & Supply Chain and Logistics organisations resulting in their increased ability to serve more customers with the same resources bringing up overall happiness amongst team members.

How to maximise the gains using well understood change journey today? 

Do you want to knw a best way to remain competative and win against uncertainity? .

We would love to hear your story during a exploratory conversation , so please don't hesitate to book in for one now (please click here or email us  to reach out experts at Future State Partners and Practioners . 

We would love to make it easier for you in the same way we have helped so many leaders and team members in their journey towards change that can last for longer term results 

Ready to start on your own? 

This is a super good news that you have decided to take the first step and we appreciate you and your teams in taking first step. You are not alone and we would encourage you to use live support from our industries leading practioners by accessing accurate template library for free. Please click here to access them.


Lean Six SIgma, Change Managment, Lean tools, Continuous Improvement, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, DIFOT , process improvement